earth day event

Having an Earth Day event is a great way to safely dispose of your old computers and other office equipment. Outdated desktops, laptops, monitors, and printers can all be recycled responsibly.
Helping to keep e-waste out of the landfills is one of the main goals of an Earth Day event In other words, to be environmentally friendly.
In addition to keeping desktops out of the dumpsters, getting rid of your surplus equipment also frees up storage space. It's a win/win.
At Ecycle Atlanta, we know all the ends and outs of Earth Day events. And we are happy to share our knowledge with you. Here are a few helpful tips:


3 steps for a great
earth day event

step 1

get the word out

step 2

Host the earth day event

step 3


earth day event!

Let us know how we can help with your event.
Having an Earth Day event is simple and easy.
Let's get started!
Just complete this simple form to get started.